Custom Country Number Generation API: A Guide for Developers


Introduction to Custom Country Number Generation API

As a developer, generating unique numbers for different countries can be a complex task. With the Custom Country Number Generation API, you can easily create unique, country-specific numbers for various applications such as customer IDs, serial numbers, or even unique phone numbers. This guide will walk you through how to use this powerful tool effectively.

Getting Started

To begin, you'll need to sign up for an account with the Custom Country Number Generation API provider. Once you've registered, you'll receive your API key, which is essential for accessing the API's features.

Before diving into the API, familiarize yourself with the documentation. The documentation includes all the necessary information about API endpoints, parameters, and error codes. It's a good idea to bookmark this page for quick reference.

API Endpoints

The Custom Country Number Generation API offers several endpoints to cater to different needs. Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

  • /generate: Generates a unique number based on the country code and other parameters.
  • /validate: Validates a given number against the specified country's format.
  • /bulk_generate: Generates a batch of numbers in a single request for efficiency.

Each endpoint has specific parameters required for its operation. Refer to the documentation for a detailed list.

Generating Numbers

To generate a number for a specific country, you'll send a POST request to the /generate endpoint. Here's an example of how to do this:

POST /generate
Content-Type: application/json

  "country_code": "1",
  "length": 10,
  "prefix": "202"

In this example, we're generating a 10-digit number for the United States (country_code: 1) with a prefix of 202. The API will return a unique number based on these parameters.

Validating Numbers

Validation is crucial to ensure that generated numbers meet the requirements of a specific country. To validate a number, send a POST request to the /validate endpoint. Here’s an example:

POST /validate
Content-Type: application/json

  "country_code": "1",
  "number": "2025550123"

The API will check if the provided number matches the format for the specified country. It will return a success or failure status based on the validation result.

Handling Responses

The Custom Country Number Generation API returns responses in JSON format. Here's a sample response for a generated number:

  "success": true,
  "number": "2025550123"

If the request fails, the response will include an error message indicating the issue.


If you encounter any issues while using the API, start by checking the documentation and the status of your API key. Ensure that you're using the correct endpoint and parameters. If problems persist, reach out to the support team for assistance.


The Custom Country Number Generation API is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of generating and validating unique numbers for various countries. With its straightforward documentation and flexible endpoints, developers can efficiently integrate this API into their applications to create robust and reliable number generation systems.

Happy coding!