Crafting a Malaysia Number Generator from Scratch


Creating a Malaysia Phone Number Generator

In today's digital age, generating phone numbers for various purposes such as testing software, creating databases, or for gaming apps is a common task. Let's dive into how we can create a simple Malaysia phone number generator.

Understanding Malaysia Phone Numbers

Malaysia phone numbers typically consist of a 10-digit structure. The first two digits represent the network prefix, the next two digits are the area code, and the remaining six digits are unique to the subscriber. For instance, a typical number might look like 011-1234-5678.

Let's break it down further: - The 011 is a common network prefix used for mobile numbers. - The 12 can be any area code ranging from 01 through 10. - The final 345678 is the unique subscriber number.

Building the Generator

Now, we'll write a simple Python script to generate random phone numbers based on these rules.

import random

def generate_malaysia_number():
    network_prefix = '011'
    area_code = str(random.randint(01, 10)).zfill(2)
    subscriber_number = str(random.randint(0, 999999)).zfill(6)
    return f'{network_prefix}-{area_code}-{subscriber_number}'

for _ in range(5):

This script imports the random library to help generate numbers. The generate_malaysia_number() function combines the network prefix, a randomly selected area code, and a random subscriber number to form a complete phone number.

Exploring More Complexities

Considering the diversity of Malaysia, you might want to include more network prefixes such as 019, 012, 017, 016, etc., to ensure the generator covers a broader range of phone numbers used in the country.

network_prefixes = ['011', '019', '012', '017', '016']

def generate_malaysia_number():
    network_prefix = random.choice(network_prefixes)
    area_code = str(random.randint(01, 10)).zfill(2)
    subscriber_number = str(random.randint(0, 999999)).zfill(6)
    return f'{network_prefix}-{area_code}-{subscriber_number}'

for _ in range(5):

By using a list of network prefixes, we can generate a more diverse set of numbers that better represent the actual usage in Malaysia.

Security and Validation

When generating phone numbers, it's important to validate them to ensure they meet the format requirements and are not duplicates. This can be achieved by adding validation checks and a list to keep track of already generated numbers.


Creating a Malaysia phone number generator is a fun and practical project that showcases how programming can solve real-world problems. Whether you're testing software, creating a database, or simply curious about the diversity of phone numbers, this generator provides a simple yet effective solution.